The foundation’s activities are aimed at specific goals and always have something specific to address. Our initiatives are focused on tangible results, rely on human potential and innovative experience, and are designed to contribute to the improvement of human well-being and sustainable development in Armenia.
To achieve a meaningful, measurable and sustainable result, we use all our experience and resources to solve urgent problems and implement the main goal of all our efforts.
The foundation is, first of all, people: like-minded people and enthusiasts, professionals and volunteers, a team and beneficiaries – united by a common idea, able to dream and work. We start from the past, we act in the present, shaping the future.

Пусть каждый новый день привносит в созидательную деятельность «Дара» новые идеи, открывает новые горизонты. Пусть ширится круг друзей и почитателей фонда, и пусть множатся его благородные дела на благо нашего общества.

DAR The Foundation for Regional Development and Competitiveness
Hanrapetutyan str. 37
0010 Yerevan, Armenia
+374 10 501515